one day at a time

Archive for September 10, 2011

day 29: surreal sunset

surreal sunset

surreal sunset © Verena Fischer 2011

I’m not very good with travelling to be honest, especially with flying. I hate the queues, the waiting, the security checks, the blatantly obvious attempt at selling you overpriced crap that you don’t need. And I dislike that most airports just look so similar, especially in England. Yesterday however, when I was flying from Gatwick to Düsseldorf I had one of the purely delightful moments of flying, namely when you look out of the airplane window and your jaw just drops in awe. I just had to take a picture of this sunset over the clouds!

I generally had a nice last day in Brighton. I bought some juggling balls and my friend Miro with whom I was staying in Brighton gave me a first lesson in juggling on the beach. I’m still far from anything that looks like juggling at all, but it was a lot of fun! And after all now I have lots of time to improve my skills since I have finished university. I generally feel like doing all the things that I wanted to do “someday when I have time” and I can instantly think of 5 things that fall into this category. And now I have the perfect opportunity to do these things!

You can imagine that this freedom is generally giving me a very good feeling. It also falls together with some nice things that happen around me. For example, tomorrow – and hereby I admit that I’m a real geek – I will go to a Star Trek convention! The last time I went to one was before I started to study. I’m sure it will be a fantastic opportunity to try out my new 55-250mm lens I just bought. And as soon as I arrive back in Berlin on Thursday there will be a concert of the Einstürzenden Neubauten, one of my favourite bands which I’ve been dying to see in concert for years now. Somehow they were always sold out or playing too far away or something else got in the way. A perfect start for my holiday indeed!