one day at a time

Posts tagged “bookshops

day 48: still not loving police

still not loving police © Verena Fischer 2011

still not loving police © Verena Fischer 2011

Yesterday Ezequiel wanted to go to a bookshop. He already ordered some books on amazon, but you know … it’s his addiction, he just likes books. And I like that he likes books, so I’m not objecting, although I actually have started to feel threatened in bookshops over the last few years. You just go in there and you feel the pressure of all the books screaming at you “Read me, read me”! I just start to feel stressed in bookshops now, because it’s all too clear that there is not enough time in a life to read all the good books in the world. What can you do? That’s just how it is.

We went to Kreuzberg where there is an English language bookshop. I’ve only been to Kreuzberg for tango before so I was pretty surprised when I realised that it’s actually a really nice area. Maybe a little too hip if you look too closely, but definitely nice. There is even an entire bookshop just dedicated to SciFi and Fantasy, I certainly find that appealing! In the same street there is also a crime bookshop too. Well, both indicators that it’s indeed too trendy around there …  which is also reflected by the street art everywhere.

The English language bookshop is in Riemannstraße and it’s full of used books. Most of them are not exactly in good quality and the basement is full of shit science fiction. The person who seemed to be the owner of the shop was shuffling about in not so good health in between playing strategy games on the computer. Although she/he (a definite indefinite case) was helpful it was also obvious that she/he was not entirely bent on selling anything. Most books had a red mark in them saying “lending only” which stopped me from even considering them. After having a good look around we actually went out without buying anything shrugging a bit about the experience.

And yesterday’s picture can also give you an idea of what the street art in the area is like. It made me chuckle a bit, because it’s sort of provocative and not, both at the same time. Love is such a strong word after all.